Storyboard - Background photographs

In order to compose the storyboard I am starting with a background photograph for each scene. Below shows each scene's photo and clicking on the photo will take you to the blog post about that specific scene describing the action and characters involved.

The Scene List

  • Opening Credits
  • 1. Winter at Orchard House
  • 2. A story by the fireside
  • 3. May's ideal french life
  • 4. May falls pregnant but prepares for the worst
  • 5. Louisa is ill; Lulu is born; May becomes ill and dies
  • 6. Emmerson tells Louisa of May's death
  • 7. Louisa prepares the nursery; A box of May's things arrives
  • 8. Louisa goes to the wharfe to await Loulou's arrival
  • 9. Lulu's first birthday
  • 10. Lulu in the garden with Bronson
  • 11. Lulu's second birthday; teething; gifts for the poor
  • 12. Louisa spanks Lulu; New Year's Day 1884
  • 13. Lulu skating on Walden Pond; Lulu's diary
  • 14. The Shadow Children
  • 15. Louisa burns letters; crickets in the grass
  • 16. Louisburg Square; Louisa very ill; Lulu's tricycle
  • 17. Bronson dies; Louisa dies
  • 18. Lulu's father comes to take her
  • 19. Conclusion of fireside story
  • End Credits
